Are you always bloated after eating pizza? If so, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship with gluten. Gluten is a type of protein commonly found in wheat and many pizzas are made from this. Bloating is a symptom of a gluten allergy or sensitivity. In addition, experiencing diarrhea, constipation, smelly stools, abdominal pain, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, anemia, unexplained weight loss. To be sure, you can do at home gluten sensitivity tests.
If someone feels the above symptoms after eating pizza or other foods that contain gluten, immediately consult the nearest doctor. We also recommend that patients keep a food diary and record symptoms after consuming gluten. Gluten-free available for many levels. A patient diagnosed with celiac disease (autoimmune due to gluten consumption) should avoid gluten completely, including separating cooking utensils and reading every label carefully. While a gluten intolerance is when only a small amount of gluten can be tolerated.
People with celiac disease can experience damage to the small intestine, even when consuming 50 mg of gluten. In contrast, those who are sensitive to gluten can experience symptoms similar to those of celiac, but without intestinal damage. Blood tests can help you identify whether you have celiac or nonceliac gluten sensitivity. The good news is that a diagnosis of gluten sensitivity isn’t permanent. The Mayo Clinic operating in Florida USA states that some people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity can retest their gluten sensitivity a year or two after removing gluten from their diet. And for those considering going gluten-free even if they don’t have a gluten allergy or sensitivity, know that there isn’t enough science to prove that it always benefits your health. Gluten-free can also lead to a deficiency of important nutrients. In some products that contain gluten, there are other important nutrients such as iron, calcium, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.
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