
Magic Mushroom As A Medical Treatment

According to a recent study found that the content of psilocybin in the magic mushroom, can “reset” brain circuits and help relieve symptoms of severe depression. Magic mushroom has been used by humans for centuries. In the past, the practice of shamans often involved this plant to meet with the gods and get directions for visions. In modern times, magic mushrooms are used for fun and tripping facilities to psychedelic areas that you could do in your home with the kit mushrooms available.

The study start when scientists got special permission to give mushrooms to 19 people who have not been helped by traditional treatments. They say that the mood of their patients is immediately lifted positively from the depressed condition, and in some cases, the effect will last for five weeks. Brain scans show that the neural circuits in the brain have been ‘reset’, pushing them out of their depressed state, scientists say. The brain activity shows a clear change after giving this type of mushroom to depressed people that the regular treatment fails to show. Some of the patients describe the feeling of a “reset” as often used in computer analogy. For example, someone said that he felt his brain had been ‘defragged’ like a computer hard drive, and another said that he felt ‘rebooted.’ The drug might give patients the “kick start” they need to get out of their depressed state.

Similar brain effects have been seen in patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a controversial treatment that triggers temporary seizures with an electric shock. Magic mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin and their derivatives can cause hallucinations, changes in perception, and a sense of time that changes. Both of these chemicals are classified as illegal as well as the fungus itself. Functional magnetic resonance mapping (fMRI) scans show reduced activity in certain parts of the brain after consuming the drug. They include the ‘amygdala’, a small almond-shaped area that is known to be involved in processing emotional responses, stress, and fear. Scientists warn that despite encouraging results, people with depression should not try self-medication with psychoactive drugs.

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